Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Good Bye,再见 2010

2010, 对我来讲过的太充实,就是飞来飞去,时间不够用,陪家人的时间也不多。很多回忆都是停留在 Nigeria. 讲真,我真的很累,很想把快乐的日子缓慢下来,把忙碌的日子快快过掉。眼看到facebook 的朋友,去拍拖,去玩乐,去拍照,而我只能在Nigeria等时间的旋转,难道快乐真的是金钱买不到的吗?

每当Air Asia 有 free seat 的时候,朋友就来msg 我,问我要不要去玩,我的回答永远就是 : Sorry, i dont know where am i next year". 明年想去 Taiwan or combodia, 不知道有没有这样的时间,有时间也不知道有没有朋友可以一起去。 以前总是很潇洒就得一个人旅行应该没问题,但经过 Italy 那次之后,我就知道一个人和一群人去玩的分别 :P

对于2010的终结,基本上在2009 前set 的2010目标都有70% 完成。 2011 又是新的一年为自己为理想冲刺。年纪越大,理想也越高和负担也沉重,我不能保证能2011能把所有的wish list 完成,起码没有把一年的时间白过。反正,人就是为了美好的将来去拼命去追逐。以前刚刚出来工作的时候,天真的我就告诉自己28 岁前,要结婚成家立室,这个“室“真的不是那么简单,没有50-60k你都不用想。所以面对现实,还是得放下兴趣和玩乐。

放下2010 的恶梦和不开心的事,大家一起向2011 前进吧!加油加油!!!

English ver:
2010, too busy rush year for me, no time for family and my personal life. Always see ppl at facebook go paktor, go vocation, go movie , go happy , but it didnt apply for me.

When Air asia got free seat, some friend will ask me for travel together, but i just can provide same answer to them : "Sorry, i dont know next year where am i ." Next year wish to go taiwan or combodia, dont know got time or no..

Mostly the wish list that i set at 2009, 70% already successful meet. Year 2011 is new challenge again. The elder age, commitment get heavy too. What we can do is wont waste up the time we work and spend on the previous year. Life with no regret.

Forget the past and unhappy, fight for other new year with new mood new mission !

Monday, 22 November 2010

Part of London 伦敦一日游

London, Itally, Paris are the dream place that i want to go. Because of jobs, i need to travel to Dublin,ireland for 1 week and 1 day to London. Thanks for Jasper who become my 1 day tour guide during at london.

I love the city of London, it was so happening, peaceful. Beautiful scenery, wonderful people. 整个人的感觉就是很舒服,冷冷的风也无法阻挡伦敦的热情。伦敦给我就是消费满高的地方,可能我钱币的兑换率吧。Oxford Street 里人来人往,这里就是时装的天堂,LV,Gucci,H&M,River Island 等等,哈哈,对不起,念不起来的,因为我也不是时装达人。

从 Heathrow 机场,买了快速火车heathrowexpress的票十五分钟就能到达Paddington. 如果买普通火车(每个站都停的)可能就要一个小时吧。Express - 18 pound, normal 7.60 pound -__-''' 伦敦的火车还蛮准时的。

以下的照片都是比较有名的地方,如 London Eyes, Convent Garden , Oxford Street, Tower Bridge (我以为是London Bridge), 大本钟big ben, Westminster, China town, City Hall, Tate Modern Hall, Trafalgar Square...

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Happy birthday 27th at nigeria

My birthday -
2008 - Working oversea
2009 - Drop at friend's wedding , become ah 4 photographer
2010 - At nigeria now
2011 - Where am i ???

The dinner set i order from hotel restaurant, RM30 :) I think is the most delicious food i eat at nigeria... I cook an egg for myself, grow old other year.

Brought a Nigeria hat to attend my nigerian colleague's wedding on December :) Look Stupid right? I not good in wearing hate.... -__-'''

Happy birthday to me ...

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


22 September 2010, is a mooncake festival for every chinese. That night i drive back home, had my dinner and i just hang to the nearest place from my house to take some photo for the event. Actually i really seldom take photo for events, because those event always occur when i was jail at nigeria... So just bring my camera and shoot for few shoot :)

And i look like an idiot carry camera , and shooting alone -_-''' , you can see alots of couple, family and pets around at park, it was so happening. Make me really can feel the warm when i was there :)

When we was child, we use to play lantern outside the house with neighbour and friends, i think nowsday was change due to crime always happen around us. At least the park is a most security and every people can gather together to celebrate the event.

Hopefully my sense of photographing still there ..


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Lucas & Celemie Wedding

Just notice i had no post anything for 2 month when i was at KL. Just busy with gathering, yamca , some shooting and move house. Life getting busy and cant breath. I wish i can go to starbuck or some cafe for whole day and finish all the photo without interruption.

However more photo will be post, congratulation to Lucas and Celemie :) Thanks for invite me for shooting..

Saturday, 17 July 2010


身边的朋友都好像没问起我,什么时候,为什么喜欢摄影,虽然我也是菜鸟一个。这可要从2006 年,当我看到我的前老板pasankia 介绍美食开始的部落格,我就爱上“分享”部落格,也开始买了第一台傻瓜相机 Nikon S50. 那时拍照也是很差,没什么水准。一个字就是“烂”,哈哈。

2008年,加入了新公司,才发现原来我的同事很多都是 DSRL 的高手,那时我的想法是“摄影是看技术的,不是看器材,我的傻瓜相机也是可以拍好东西!”,2008年, 可是我一个难度过的时段,工作的压力,分手的痛苦,真的把我折磨到日夜难眠,好像世界末日。终于被和我同房了三个月的同事,也是我现在的师父 Johntim 发毒成功,我错了。原来傻瓜相机还是有他的弱点。还是更上一层,去单眼相机吧。

我买dslr 的理由很简单,我爱摄影,分手得空没事干,最重要的就是"型咯"!我师父讲,因为那时候dslr 的用户不多,他就打个比如,“你像看,你去拍美女,一个拿着傻瓜相机,一个拿着大大的dslr,你讲美女会看那里”。。结果?我买了dslr 过后,canon 1000D 就出了,慢慢大家也开始对Dslr 发烧了. DSLR 也渐渐普遍化。。我再也不"型“了

2009 的 2月22日, 终于败了个 D80. 也开始对摄影技术有了认识。 照片的DOF,角度,rule of third,调色。。原来要拍一张好的照片真的是不简单。从Picasa, 到 photoshop ,然后lightroom. 我觉得分享真的很重要,谢谢 Johntim 的磨练和分享。另外我一个很欣赏的朋友 LoveHappen, 我喜欢她的天马行空的摄影结构,很特别,很有 Feel.

拥有了D80接近一年,拍的作品都是马马虎虎,也可能我真的是很少有机会去参加一些活动。加上我不常在大马,更是难上加难。很想接触更多更多摄影技术,用材。我告诉自己绝不能因为有了dslr,就是代表你是photographer. 我要的是可以用自己的风格拍自己喜欢的东西,当然如果能得到别人的好的评语,也是一种鼓励。可惜。。风格还没找到。。哈哈。迷失当中。

近期都比较喜欢几位大师的作品 (不列入的对不起,可能小弟还没发现)Hayashi, Tee-too, Jenny Sun, icreateAngel, Maxtography LoveHappen, 紅刺蝟 可能我最近比较喜欢感觉型,简单抽象的作品吧 :)



Sunday, 27 June 2010





要更好-是因为不满足心态,在这个现实的社会当中,有谁不想要更好的生活。 从小,有一句对白是我们可以在电影里听到的 '钱不是万能的,没钱 却是万万不能的'。以前从来不用去明白这句话的意思,但当岁月不留人的时候,你才发觉这句话,是多么的千真万确啊!

回到过去- 是因为不想在追逐那疲惫的生活。才知道当你在追逐现实的时间隧道,你错过了人生最纯真,最简单的快乐?这也要看你在不在乎那种简单的快乐。。。


Monday, 21 June 2010

Keukenhof at Amsterdam 2010

Finally i have time to post something again, i know i had been disappear myself for 2 month. Just dont have much time for internet, busy with my works and hang out with friend while i at KL.

So i going to post some old story again, i know my friend sure will laugh on me again, Not choice, i had nothing to write about myself at Nigeria.

So i had been visit to Amsterdam at 26 May 2010, and i feel lucky because i able to visit to the keukenhof park ! It only open 24 March to 20 May 2010 only ! Just can say, it was a great experience , i feel more fresh and relax when i reach the place...i took a lots of photo and walk around looking for beautiful girls.

I brought the ticket at Information counter inside Schiphol Airport. include bus ticket and entrance fees around 14,50 euro, it is quite cheap if compare you follow tour. And there was no time limit, you can stay whole days over there..

Due to too many photo, i just try to upload my favor photo...I miss you keukenhof !









[Group 1]-DSC_0277_DSC_0284-8 images-2



Garden of Europe, is situated near Lisse, Netherlands, and is the world's largest flower garden. According to the official website for the Keukenhof Park, approximately 7,000,000 (seven million) flower bulbs are planted annually in the park.

Better quality ->

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Croaker Fish at Nigeria

Finally i got chance hang out and try something new rather than hide myself at hotel everyday. This time we went to a market which famous with grilled fish and cheaper.

This is the croacker fish~ around 500g up to 1kg. Really damm big, 1 fish per person. I wonder rather i can finish it or no .... but really look delicious.
Grilled croaker fish come with chips, and a spicy pepper sauce that will curl your toes. Is quite spicy until i sweating..

You can see how big is the fish ~ the croaker fish had become my lunch + dinner of the day ~
Thanks for my nigeria colleagues who bring us for the wonderful try.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Christmas 2009 at Amsterdam

我看雪的梦想终于了结了,25/12/2009 这一天可是我最开心又伤心的一天。巧好我今天来到 Amsterdam 转机回大马,可是要等12个小时,所以每次我们都会搭火车去荷兰的城市去逛街.

本来先online booking 去郊外参观风车,cheese 厂。可惜圣诞节是公共假期。。没关系吧,还有机会的,反正我还是需要继续飞。为什么说我伤心?当我的同事去蜡像馆的时候,我就一个人逛街,傻傻的一个人,又冷又独孤,看到我前方的西方俊男美女的情侣突然慢下来脚步,然后就亲了起来,抱在一起。。。。看到这样的情景,我的心更加的沉底,只好默默的从他们擦身而过。

这次刚好不寂寞,有两个友族的同事陪我。不知道为什么我的朋友在面书 faceook, 看到我这张照片,个个都嘲笑我,我的头发两个月没剪啊,当然变得那么长,加上我又对发型没什么要求,就简简单单的开线梳了起来~哈哈。。
另外一个同事 :) 3 度。。。很冷下,我的脚趾都麻掉了,加上又下细雨