"V9KON is a communities about photography where everyone shares their photos and the pros will try to give you comments and suggustion, to improve your skill . similar to flickr + youtube ... it also allowed you to share at fb, blogs and etc. bonus you can also upload videos too."
I just join v9kon few week ago, it still very new. But the information content is all about Nikon.
If you ae a nikonian, you sure join and involved for their photographing session and meet some new photographer lovers.
Join now, Nikonian=> Click me
ceh Nikonian only~
Ya lor, how bout Canon, Sony, Pentax, Olympus and Panasonic kaki????
Johntim & Samuel : Pai sei, nikon too famous, u sony and canon dabao la..hahahahah
Unfortunately, your D80 is using Sony's CCD sensor ;). Da bao lar, D80.
Au Yong kena sai...hahahahahahaha
Samuel : Nikon's history is longer than sony ma, cannot compare, and sony user is very less :)
Kate: -_-||| very funny uh?
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